Address and Phone of John Morell, Converse & Morell in Palmyra, NY.
Find in this article a list with all the contact details of Attorneys John Morell. You can get the Street and Phone of John Morell attorneys located at the NY state, and Palmyra City, with all his information and legal services.
Get the street and phone on the field of attorneys lawyers John Morell, to require a consultation or other legal service, in Palmyra, NY.
If you want to contact the entity to request an appointment, to ask for a service or simply to ask the costs in the city of Palmyra, below you will find the data that specify, the address, telephone and name of the establishment. There they will provide the information corresponding to the products and services they offer. See telephone and address of john morell, just below:
Company Name: Converse & MorellStreet: PO Box 215
City: Palmyra
State: NY
ZIP Code: 14522
Phone: 3155975337
Contact: John Morell
Title: General Counsel
Email: [email protected]
SIC Code: 8111
SIC Description: Legal Services
Ubication of John Morell PO Box 215 in Palmyra, NY
For AttorneyUsaLawyer it's very important to know the comments of our visitors, with respect to the content offered and the information provided of the directory of Entities of the area of Legal Services, especially the mentioned John Morell PO Box 215 of the state of NY.
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Remember...Attorney Usa Lawyer does not have any contract or link with the establishment, John Morell PO Box 215, in the city of Palmyra NY. The information contained here is only the location data, services, and if applicable, opening hours of telephone and address of john morell. If you would like to do a more extensive search on JOHN MORELL, please use the search form available on the upper right corner of this website.
First: The name on the paperwork I have regarding my brother, David Martin Knight, is Christopher S. VanKirk. I do not know how to contact him within the framework available here.
Second: Paperwork sent to me shortly after David’s death stated I would have a copy of his death certificate. When can I expect that?
Third: I would like to know what action has to be taken to obtain the Hale Family Bible which was gifted to me before David’s death. As I understand the situation, Georgette went to David’s apartment, took the Bible and, upon her departure, came upon Dave Dentico in the hall. HE, as the nominated Executor in David’s will, was going to take inventory of David’s items. Georgette refused to relinquish the Bible to him and she has said she would send it to me (I offered to pay the cost of mailing), however, as yet, I have not received it
I am curious to know if she is breaking any laws with her behavior — illegal entry, absconding with property, withholding ‘gift’ items.
Dave Dentico has not notified me of any Court dates regarding his approval as Executor. Do you have any information regarding this matter?
Thank you for your time and efforts,
Sandra Lee Nuber